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Cunningham Recreation Lunch & Learn: Inclusive Play Matters

  • LampRynearson 14710 W Dodge Street Ste 100 Omaha NE 68154 United States (map)

Inclusive Play Matters: Innovating Outdoor Play Destinations for People of All Ages and Abilities.

Be inspired to innovate high quality outdoor play experiences for people of all ages and abilities by aligning evidence-based design best practices to inclusive play destinations to encourage active, independent, and meaningful play for all. Both a physical and social event, inclusive play is not solely about physically accessing an environment, but what experiences happen once an individual gets there. Learn inclusive design principles that go beyond minimum accessibility and intentionally address the needs of the whole child.

1. Describe the difference between accessible design, universal design, and inclusive playground design.

2. Identify five design features or considerations that address the physical, social-emotional, sensory, cognitive, and communication needs of the whole child.

3. List the 7 Principles of Inclusive Playground Design and at least three ways that these best practices intentionally create outdoor environments where physical and social inclusion can occur.

4. Summarize the need, value, and importance of inclusive, multigenerational play environments to effectively advocate and fund community lead initiatives.

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