memberSPOTLIGHT < Chad Kucker


Chad Kucker, ASLA
Secretary / Treasurer

Sioux Falls, South Dakota

When did you realize you wanted to become a Landscape Architect?

My freshman year in college where I was lured into the profession by the unique intersection between nature, gardening, construction, and design.

What is your favorite landscape and why?

A prairie remnant with Sioux quartzite outcroppings and a few big old bur oak trees; once gone it’s a landscape that is impossible for humans to recreate.  

I am a member because of the opportunities ASLA provides for continuing education and professional advocacy.

What is the most important thing you have learned since joining the profession?

Even after 20 years in the profession, it doesn’t get any easier to explain the full range of what Landscape Architects do; sometimes it’s just easier to let people think we trim ‘bushes’ and plant ‘green-growies’.

What do you believe needs to be the next area of innovation in our profession?

Virtual reality and the ability for clients to fully experience a space prior during design.

What might (someone) be surprised to know about you?

I have an unhealthy fascination with the History Channel show Pawn Stars.

Share a project that holds great meaning to you. 

Restoring and maintaining a tallgrass prairie at our home outside of Sioux Falls. 

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