memberSPOTLIGHT < Jen Cross


Jen Cross, PLA, ASLA
Past President

RDG Planning & Design
Omaha, Nebraska

When did you realize you wanted to become a Landscape Architect?

I knew I wanted to be a landscape architect at a young age.  I enjoyed creating landscapes in a gravel pile on my parents' farm, enjoyed drawing and creating, and wanted to leave an impact on our environments.  I job shadowed in middle school and my heart was sold that this was the perfect career path for me. 

Who is your favorite landscape architect and why?

I don’t know that I have a favorite landscape architect.  Good design is good design, and that often does not come from one person.  I admire designs that value the balance of form and function and are executed seamlessly. 

I am a member of ASLA because our profession is greater because of our connections to one another and the opportunities to learn from each other and elevate the profession.  We have a greater impact on our environments in numbers.  I believe that ASLA can help raise awareness for Landscape Architects, and share the value and impact we provide as a profession.  

What is the most important thing you have learned since joining the profession?

Utilize the resources that are available to you.  You do not need to do everything.  Working with experts in our field(s) will make your projects stronger and ultimately more successful.  Pursue things that you are passionate about, and it will serve you well.


What is one item you cannot live without?

Without trying to sound millennial – my coffee and my phone.  😊

What is something you find joy in other than landscape architecture?

I love to paint and draw.  In particular, acrylics, watercolors, mixed media. 

Where would you like to be in 20 years?

I would love to be leading a design studio and advocating for design excellence across disciplines. 

Who would you choose to switch places with for a day?

Currently – Ken Smith.  I would love to understand his design process further, his artistic view of the world and how he integrates this into his built work. 

What might someone be surprised to know about you?

I love seeing the world through my children’s eyes.  It’s pure joy to watch them explore landscapes and begin to understand the wide array of environments and watch them grow and interact with sites in unique ways. 


Share a project that holds great meaning to you. 

Porter-Leath Early Education Academy in Memphis, TN.  This project integrates landscape architecture and architecture, and the client is able to share the overall concept with anyone who walks through the door.  The project was very successful in integrating the concept with programming and allowing the children to experience a wide variety of environments they may not have access to normally. 

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