NDC ASLA Member Michael Stanley Elevated to Fellow
Congratulations to NDC ASLA’s Newest Fellow — Mike Stanley!
Michael Stanley, PLA, FASLA
At the recent Conference on Landscape Architecture in San Francisco, the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) elevated 27 members as ASLA Fellows for their exceptional contributions to the landscape architecture profession and society at large. Election to the ASLA Council of Fellows is among the highest honors the ASLA bestows on members and is based on their works, leadership/management, knowledge, and service. Congratulations to NDC ASLA’s Mike Stanley on his elevation to Fellow in the service category! Mike is the 9th member from our chapter to be elevated to the Council of Fellows.
Mike Stanley’s nineteen years of dedicated service and leadership in ASLA have significantly enhanced the Society’s media presence, communication methods, overall brand identity and public awareness of the profession. Serving as a Chapter President and Trustee, and ultimately selected by his fellow Trustees to serve as Vice-President of Communications, Mike has been instrumental at all levels of the Society in generating far-reaching benefits to the advancement and public recognition of our profession. He is highly respected by his peers for his knowledge of ASLA’s brand and communication methods at chapter and national levels, and his efforts in developing/revising critical Society policies. His on-going service commitment positioned him to fill a critical role working with ASLA leadership, staff, and marketing consultants on many impactful activities and products, including: updates to Society branding, social media, websites, and member messaging; the ASLA Public Awareness Summit; and a renovation of the society’s headquarters in Washington DC into the Center for Landscape Architecture. From a new brand strategy to a new Society headquarters, Mike Stanley’s inspired service helped modernize the look and voice of ASLA, increase tangible public awareness and appreciation for our profession, and institute a venue for ASLA to “walk the talk” relative to sustainability leadership and environmental stewardship. In addition to his impactful national service, Mike has also made long-term commitments to benefit his community and local schools, support the North Dakota State University landscape architecture program, enhance chapter services, and expand local and regional public awareness of the profession.
Additional information about the 2022 Class of Fellows, as well as previous ASLA Fellows, is available on the ASLA Council of Fellows webpage. View Mike Stanley’s nomination package here.